- Janet Pelz
With all the focus being given to the selection of a new pope – pundits handicapping the chances of various Cardinals like ponies at the starting gates – this seems like a good time to resurrect my web site. It has been living for quite some time in that black hole of spam. I spend so much time deleting scintillating comments at the end of my pieces with authors bearing names such as “Cheap Cialis at Home” and “Pornographic Online Casinos” that I haven’t had much energy – or time – to do any real writing.
While I haven’t been posting, I have been interviewing and interviewing. I hope to have a two-part piece posted soon, the result of many conversations with Sister Charlayne Brown, a woman who 46 years ago took her vows and joined the Sisters of the Holy Names. I figure if my web site attempts to tell the spectrum of women’s lives and the choices they make in leading them, then including a nun in the canon would be essential.
The Soeurs Nomees Jesus et Marie then…
It has been a wonderfully rewarding several months spent over many coffees getting to the point of writing Sister Char’s story. Naively I started this process thinking that someone who made a decision of that magnitude would be reflecting on it with regularity. But Sister or not, Charlayne is like many of the women I’ve written about – unaccustomed yet inspired by the opportunity to look back at the milestones in her life to see the connections. But living a life obedient to a higher calling, she has similarly been careful to keep our conversations within an acceptable boundary, a boundary I’m committed to respect. So the going has been more measured and has taken a good bit more time.
Hopefully I’ll have something up before too long. Sister Char and I look forward to reading your comments once it’s up. If you’re a subscriber to the site, you’ll get the post in your in-box. Saves the effort of scanning the horizon for white smoke.
….and the Sisters today.
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