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I stumbled upon this post and have to say I am amazed! A real inspiration - I actually feel a little embarrassed as I have just had a work out and was using every excuse in the book in the book on why I didn't get that weight.

I should have had Mary-Ellen positive attitude.

Mary-Ellen has been one of secret heroines for years - lovely, strong woman with whom I've done a lot of community work - hugely inspiring. Sandy Hirsch

You go Mary-Ellen! Get us young geezers motivated to do something with ourselves.


I train with Mary-Ellen and always say "I want to look and be like that, when I grow up." She is an amazing, strong and positive woman, and an awesome friend. HQ Strong!

What an amazing woman--she inspires me to pedal faster. Thanks, Janet for this wonderful story.

What an inspirational story! Mary-Ellen, I admire your positive attitude and dedication!

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